Airbag Kortel SAK 2 pour Kruyer III

Airbag Kortel SAK 2 pour Kruyer III

320.00  tax included

Le Sak II est un sac-airbag réversible et amovible prévu pour la Kruyer II et pour la Karver II.

Available on backorder

L’ensemble Kruyer II/Karver II-SaK permet une flexibilité totale. Si en plus vous lui adjoignez un secours ventral, tous types de vols deviennent envisageables.
Il se fixe en 2 minutes par six points sur ces sellettes : deux pattes sous les cuisses, une dans le creux lombaires et deux au niveau du dos et une en haut du dos.
L’ajout du SaK II améliore le confort et la précision des sellettes. Le triangle latéral ajoute un appui lombaire réglable et une action plus directe sur la voile lors du pilotage sellette.

Pour plus d'informations

Tax refund information

If you live in Switzerland or outside the European Union, you can deduct the French VAT from our products (20%).

Two options:

  • Distance selling HT with direct shipment: We produce an invoice HT already including the discount we offer to our customers on the flight material. Once the material has been paid for, we will ship the goods to you with the CN23 customs clearance form.
  • Collection on the spot with tax exemption. You can go to the shop and buy your material. The amount paid is inclusive of VAT (with French VAT). We provide you with a form and a declaration of tax exemption. All you have to do is scan this form at the customs posts (customs, airports, etc.), and we receive instant confirmation that the material has left the EU. We will then refund the French VAT,

Please note that you are required to pay VAT and customs duties when the products arrive in your country.

For more information, do not hesitate to contact us.

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