Paragliding school
at Chamonix Mont-Blanc
Paragliding weather for Chamonix Mont-Blanc
Wind and weather in Chamonix
Wind at 1500 meters altitude
Wind by altitude and emagram in Chamonix –
Complete your analysis:
Consult the FFVL weather beacons.
Check out the PiouPiou beacons in Chamonix :
- The wind at takeoff via the PiouPiou beacon at Plan de l’Aiguille.
- The wind at the Bois du Bouchet landing via the PiouPiou beacon at the Bois du Bouchet landing (this beacon is on the roof of the Air Sports school).
Safety notes
Beware if the wind at 2000m is higher than 30 km/h, or if Foehn is announced, the conditions could be dangerous.
In Chamonix, there are always people to paraglide: if you don’t see anyone in the air, it’s probably not flying.
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